Hyperbaric Fitness Club Stuart s Premier health club. Bringing optimal performance to our daily, through the power of oxidization with hyperbarics.(HBOT).

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and Hyperbarics Oxygen Therapy  

Root source of


Recent studies show that ADD/ADHD is caused by various neurological imbalances: lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain, brainwave disparity, and brain chemical deficiencies. In essence, the affected brain, operating with a less than optimal oxygen supply, begins under and over-producing certain chemicals, which negatively affects mood, behavior and overall function

How hyperbaric

(HBOT) can treat ADD/ADHD

Common ADD/ADHD treatments include prescribed stimulant medications. The problem is, these prescriptions treat symptoms while ignoring underlying causes, and come with undesirable side-effects. Below, you'll learn how pursuing hyperbaric oxygen treatments can help you treat these conditions with a more effective, well-rounded approach.

As well as what is believed to be the root cause of ADD/ADHD disorders.

If you or someone you know is suffering from the devastating affects of ADD/ADHD us a call and see how

we can help.


An exclusively custom health and fitness experience hyperbaric fitness club brings the best technology and latest tools to a healthier stronger more useful version of you,