Hyperbaric Fitness Club Stuart s Premier health club. Bringing optimal performance to our daily, through the power of oxidization with hyperbarics.(HBOT).

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Autism and Hyperbarics Oxygen Therapy  

Due to that increase more and

more parents have turned to

alternative forms of treatment to

counteract the underlining symptoms of autism.

Traditional medicine has often times failed to produce the desired results for many patients with autism. However studies have demonstrated hyperbarics oxygen therapy (HBOT) as a affective emerging treatment that parents are utilizing to help alleviate and minimize the effects of ASD. This noninvasive treatment is as simple as  A short 45 to 1 hour use daily.

The number of children diagnosed with autism or on the spectrum has increased significantly in recent years.

Studies and patience have demonstrated the following benefits of HBOT for autism and other spectrum disorders.

An exclusively custom health and fitness experience hyperbaric fitness club brings the best technology and latest tools to a healthier stronger more useful version of you,