Hyperbaric Fitness Club Stuart s Premier health club. Bringing optimal performance to our daily, through the power of oxidization with hyperbarics.(HBOT).
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Welcome to OSI Health Club home of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Infrared Sauna, and Ice Bath/Cold Plung Recovery

Call to get Hinsdale Fitiness Club

Call or Text  708-289-9732

Club Rules:

          Street Shoes Are Not Permitted  All participants are expected to wear clean gym shoes that are not used outdoors.  

          Trainers may not remove any equipment from the facility at anytime for any reason whatsoever.

          Trainers may leave their own equipment in the club but must sign a release of the equipment in case of damage or theft.

          Trainers may offer a free session to first time visits after that payment is required. Hinsdale Fitness Club will not honor Groups, Amazons or any other discount services unless otherwise agreed to in writing.

          Trainers Must require their clients to sign the Hinsdale Fitness Club liability waiver that holds themselves and Hinsdale Fitness Club harmless from any liability of injury and provide a copy of it to Hinsdale Fitness Club. This must be done through our mind body software and must include an email address in the online form.

          If a trainer is the last to leave the facility they must turn off all lights and lock the doors.

          All Trainers are required to return the equipment they use and clean it before they leave the club. If you use the group fitness room you are required to sweep it and pick up any water bottles, paper or any other kind of garbage your clients may have left behind.

          If a Trainer finds that equipment is damaged or missing they are requested to report it immediately so that it can be fixed or replaced as quickly as possible.

          Trainers should not play loud or offense music at a time that is inappropriate. i.e children are present.

          Trainers Must Notify Hinsdale Fitness Club if a client is injured.

          Trainers must possess valid trainer certification.

          Trainers must Provide their own insurance both liability and personal and trainers must pay their own taxes.


     -     A one on one session is $17.50 per hour.

     -     Small Group training is 4 clients or less the fees are $30 for 2, $40  for three.

     -     All Trainers must pay a base rent of $40 per group class12 adults per class.

     -     Birthday parties and special events are build on a case-by-case basis.

     -     Message/yoga/private room $17.50 for private room only.


You are expected to be a good and competent trainer. We appreciate that you have chosen us to partner with. Hinsdale Fitness Club is committed to providing a clean/safe/ family-friendly/well organized and well marketed organization. In return we expect all trainers to respect the reputation of Hinsdale Fitness Club and do their best to protect it and we endeavor to do the same for you.


Trainer agrees that all exercise and or programs are undertaken at the their own risk.  The Trainer understands the procedures and exercises involved in instructing participants. They also understands that there is a risk of injury involved in the course of instructing and with this knowledge agrees to indemnify and save harmless Max Fitness it’s representatives employees or owners from all losses caused by neglect, accident, or injury to the personal training or group fitness client, or by third persons who may be guest or visitors or under Trainer programs. In the event Trainer or said third person is injured during the performance and execution of exercise or participation in instruction in any way shape or form. The Trainer takes full responsibility. They further certify that they are in good health and not under Doctor’s care and able to safely participate in the Hinsdale Fitness Club programs as well as train clients in the club.  

Thank you again for joining our organization and welcome to the club!

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois in  and Dupage County and any applicable Federal Law. By signing trainers agree to the terms rules regulations, expectations and assumptions of liability written with in it.

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An exclusively custom health and fitness experience hyperbaric fitness club brings the best technology and latest tools to a healthier stronger more useful version of you,